2.10.2009 | 22:34
Stefna AGS hefur ekkert breyst. Stefnan gagnvart Íslandi er misheppnuð andlitslyfting.
To: Members of the United States Congress
Re: Why we Oppose the IMF Quota Increase
The undersigned labor unions, environmental, human rights, and other organizations and individuals from around the world are opposed to any increase in the size, power, or funding of the International Monetary Fund [IMF], and in particular are opposed to any increase in the quota of member countries. The disastrous impact of IMF-imposed policies on workers rights, environmental protection, and economic growth and development; the crushing debt repayment burden of poor countries as a result of IMF policies; and the continuing secrecy of IMF operations provide ample justification for denying increased funding to the IMF.
Economic Growth and Development: The IMF s overwhelming preference for high interest rates and fiscal austerity, even in the absence of any economic justification, has caused unnecessary recessions, reduced growth, hindered economic development, and increased poverty throughout the world. There is now a consensus among economists that the IMF s recent intervention in the Asian financial crisis actually worsened its impact. Many believe that the Fund bears the primary responsibility for turning the financial crisis into a major regional depression, with tens of millions of people being thrown into poverty and no end in sight.
Labor: IMF policies undermine the livelihood of working families. IMF policies have mandated mass layoffs and changes in labor law to facilitate or encourage mass layoffs, as happened recently in South Korea. IMF policies regularly force countries to lower wages, or often undermine efforts by governments to raise wages-- as, for example, in Haiti in recent years.
Environment: IMF policies encourage and frequently require the lowering of environmental standards and the reckless exploitation of natural resources in debtor countries. The export of natural resources to earn hard currency to pay foreign debts under IMF mandates damages the environment while providing no benefit to poor and working people in debtor countries.
Debt: IMF and World Bank policies have forced poor countries to make foreign debt service a higher priority than basic human needs. The World Bank claims that it is "sustainable" for countries like Mozambique to pay a quarter of their export earnings on debt service. Yet after World War II, Germany was not required to pay more than 3.5% of its export earnings on debt service. Poor countries today need a ceiling on debt service similar to the one Germany had. According to UN statistics, if Mozambique were allowed to spend half of the money on health care and education which it is now spending on debt service, it would save the lives of 100,000 children per year.
Openness of IMF operations: IMF policies which affect the lives of a billion people are negotiated in secret, with key conditions not released to the public. The people who bear the burden of these policies often do not even have access to the agreements which have been negotiated.
The policies of the IMF have undermined the ability of developing countries to provide for the needs of their own peoples. Such an institution should not be expanded.
Thank you for your consideration of our concerns.
Walden Bello, Co-director, Focus on the Global South, Bangkok; Professor of Sociology and Public Administration, University of the Philippines
Carlos Heredia, Congressman, Mexico
Dennis Brutus, Jubilee 2000 Africa
Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nú er Ísland ekki jafn ílla sett og margar þriðja heims þjóðir. En það er samt veruleg hætta á að fáttækt verði alvarlegt vandamál á Íslandi um langa hríð ef við snúum ekki af þeirri braut sem AGS varðar.
Þrýstum á stjórnvöld að afþakka svokallaða aðstoð sjóðsins.
Sendum Landstjórann heim!
Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson
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Greinar um Ísland og kreppuna í erlendum miðlum
- Walking up to reality in Iceland, by Jón Daníelsson
- Time to install Iceland 2.0, by Ben H Murray
- Bizarre battering of insurers, by Anthony Hilton
- European bank bail-out could push EU into crisis, by Bruno Waterfield
- In praise of Iceland, editorial
- Culpability debate at RBS intensifies, by Kate Burgess
- Iceland in turmoil as coalition collapses, by David Ibison
- Iceland Turns Hard Left
- Ireland? Iceland? Doubts on Doomsday Scenario in Eire, by Landon Thomas
- Crime Once Exposed Has no Refuge but in Audacity - Tacitus, by Íris Erlingsdóttir
- Iceland's Conservatives Try to Rewrite History, by Íris Erlingsdóttir
- Cracks in the crust
- Major-Washington Agency Runs Iceland Look-Alike Casting, by Edward Hugh
- Nobel prize winner blasts IMF over loans
- How Bad Could The Crisis Get? Lessons From Iceland, Jón Daníelsson
- Iceland: The country that became a hedge fund, by Peter Gumbel
- Ultra-Capitalism Killed Iceland
- Upheaval calls for Fleece Revolution in Iceland, by Lenka Vaiglova
- Who bombed Iceland? by Uwe Reinhardt
- World Agenda: is this the most hated man in Iceland? by Roger Boyes
- Britain and the Netherlands bully little Iceland, by Ársæll Valfells
- Iceland gets cold feet over paying back bailout
- Latvian debt crisis shakes Eastern Europe, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
- Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumors, by K. Már Hauksson
- Britain's 'gunboat' diplomacy still angers Iceland, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
- A Debate Rages in Iceland: Independence vs. I.M.F. Cash, by Landon Thomas
- All Of Them Must GO, by Naomi Klein
- SFO to help Iceland as probe turns to Kaupthing's US links, by Rowena Mason
- Iceland hits impasse over lost savings, by Andrew Ward and Alex Barker
- Icelanders are angry but will make sacrifices, by Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir
- Iceland seeks UK fraud office help, by Andrew Ward
- For you, the war is over, by Andrew Hill
- Iceland poised for foreign payback pact, by Andrew Ward, Megan Murphy and Jim Pickard
- Icelands debt repayment limits will spread, by Michael Hudson
- Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown?, by Rowena Mason
- The ice storm, by Gauti Kristmannsson
- Brain drain hits cash-strapped Iceland, by Susanne Henn
- Islands nye krise, av Ola Storeng
- Iceland's bank crisis delivers baby boom, by Andrew Ward
- Is Iceland too small? By Þorvaldur Gylfason
- Iceland shows the dangers ahead for us all, by Robert Wade
- Islands Schulden sind zu teilen, Von Clemens Bomsdorf
- The IMF destroys Iceland and Latvia, by Nathan Lewis
- The Lehman Brothers collapse: the global fallout, by Richard Wachman
- Iceland urges media to lift nations gloom, by Andrew Jack
- Iceland after a year of financial crisis, by Robert Jackson
- Icelands PM: Icesave Will Decide the Coalitions Fate
- Icelands PM: We Cannot Wait for IMF Any Longer
- Iceland Reaches Agreement with IMF
- Iceland Minister Confident Icesave Bill Will Pass
- Iceland's president turns cold on Icesave deal, by Rowena Mason
Greinar um Ísland og kreppuna í innlendum miðlum
Álit erlendra sérfræðinga um orsakir efnahagshrunsins
- Undersized: Could Greenland be the new Iceland? Should it be?
- The Icelandic banking crisis and what to do about it: The lender of last resort theory of optimal currency areas
Greinar um hvers vegna Icesave eru ekki skuldir Íslendinga
Greinar um efnahagskreppuna í erlendum dagblöðum
- Support for Lisbon Treaty falls eight points to 46%, by Stephen Collins
- The European Union the New Soviet Union, by Vladimir Bukovsky
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Uppfært á 3 mín. fresti.
Takk Benedikt, þetta var fróðlegur lestur. Það er ótrúlegt að þetta fólk skuli njóta einhverjar virðingar, það er blóð í skóförum þess.
Kveðja að austan.
Ómar Geirsson, 3.10.2009 kl. 00:03
Þeir njóta sams konar virðingar og handrukkarar. Ég held að það sé góð ástæða fyrir því að það var tregðast við að leyta til sjóðsins. Saga hans er vel þekkt.
En þar sem við höfum frjálsa fjölmiðla fengum við engar almennilega úttekt um sögu sjóðsins frá stóru fjölmiðlunum (þ.e. RÚV, Stöð tvö, Mogganum og fréttablaðinu). Við viljum ekki að skríllin ókyrrist.
Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, 3.10.2009 kl. 01:01
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
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