14.8.2009 | 06:31
Bjarnargreiði forsætisráðherrans!
Loksins þegar forsætisráðherrann tók sig til og ritaði grein í erlent dagblað þá velti ég því fyrir mér hvort hún hefði ekki betur látið það ógert. Greinina kallar hún: "Icelanders are angry but will make sacrifices". Hvað myndir þú hugsa ef leiðtogi erlendrar þjóðar myndi senda þér og þinni þjóð svona skilaboð!
Few governments of developed market economies are grappling with as many simultaneous challenges as Iceland. Strax í fyrstu efnisgreininni slær forsætisráðherrann furðulegan tón: Hún talar ekki um þjóðina sem sér ekki út úr augum vegna efnahagshrunsins! Nei, athygli almennra lesenda er beint að ríkisstjórninni!!!
In its efforts to conclude negotiations over compensation for foreign savers in failed banks, Iceland has been accused of a tendency to imagine a British or Dutch conspiracy behind any bad news.
..."been accused of tendency to imagine"... Hvað gengur konunni til???
Iceland has no such tendency. It is battling the effects of severe banking and currency crises and a recession that is affecting our part of the world as much as any other. My government, which took over in February and gained a majority in general elections in May, has to deal with the aftermath of the fall of nearly all of Icelands privatised banking sector.
We plan a 30 per cent contraction in government finances over the next three years, with extensive cuts to infrastructure spending and wages a heavy burden for our population of 300,000. We have, in co-operation with the International Monetary Fund, formulated an economic strategy that is being fully adhered to. Indeed, we have already reached agreements on a recapitalisation of the banking sector, a stability pact with social partners and a strategy for lifting current account restrictions. In that vein, the authorities have sought an agreement with the foreign creditors of the failed banks with the aim of them taking control of two of the reborn banks. We have also finalised loan agreements with several countries as part of the IMF programme and Icelands parliament has authorised it to seek membership of the European Union.
"We have, in co-operation with the International Monetary Fund, formulated an economic strategy that is being fully adhered to." Væru það helgispjöll ef ríkisstjórnin birti íslenskum almenningi þessa efnahagsáætlun "þeirra" og AGS?
Icelanders, who do not feel responsible for the global banking crisis, are willing to make sacrifices to secure normal relations and trade with the world. But they are angry at having to take on the burden of compensation for the Icesave savings accounts of Landsbanki a failed, privately owned, commercial bank, which attracted hundreds of thousands of UK and Dutch savers with high interest rates. The amount to be shouldered by Iceland is huge about 50 per cent of our gross domestic product. Assets against this debt will substantially lower the net amount, but there is much uncertainty about the valuations and forecasts underpinning such calculations.
"Icelanders, who do not feel responsible for the global banking crisis"... "are willing to make sacrifices to secure normal relations and trade with the world." Ég vona að ég sé ekki ein um það að standa ekki á sama að sjá svona haft eftir forsætisráðherranum um Íslendinga í erlendu blaði!
..."Compensation for the Icesave savings accounts"... Compensation! (Bætur)!
"Assets against this debt will substantially lower the net amount, but there is much uncertainty about the valuations and forecasts underpinning such calculations." Hún getur sagt í erlendu dagblaði það sem hún hefur ekki fengist til að viðurkenna heima hjá sér: Mikil óvissa er um eignir á móti skuldum (aths. undirritaðrar: skuldum Björgólfs og Björgólfs NB).
Last October, when Iceland was in deep crisis, UK authorities froze the assets of Landsbanki, and placed the bank (and for a while Icelands government) alongside terrorist organisations on the official UK Treasury list of entities subject to asset freezing. Kaupthing Bank, which had just been granted a government loan amounting to 5 per cent of GDP, then collapsed after its subsidiary in London was seized by the Financial Services Authority. Despite a critical report in April by the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee, no satisfactory explanations have been given for the UKs actions.
..."no satisfactory explanations have been given for the UKs actions." Hefur ríkisstjórn Jóhönnu Sigurðardóttur farið fram á að fá fullnægjandi útskýringar? Hefur ríkisstjórn Jóhönnu yfir höfuð gefið sig á tal við breska ráðherra?
The EU deposit insurance directive that places this burden upon us is seen by some as aimed at the failure of individual banks rather than a systemic collapse, as was the case in Iceland. A strong argument has been made for Iceland being the coincidental victim of defects in this directive, which have been ignored. Hér átti hún að mínu viti að nefna þá sem hafa hafnað þessari túlkun.
Icelanders are striving to fulfil their obligations but cannot, and should not, ignore the lessons to be learnt from this crisis regarding potential flaws in banking regulation and deposit insurance schemes affecting the EU and European Economic Area.
The FT has reported how the Dutch opposed the IMF lending to Iceland in order to enforce their demands on Icesave, claiming the UK and Germany as allies. The perception is that Treasury officials in the UK and the Netherlands used their bargaining power against a much weaker party when the Icesave deal, now being debated in the Icelandic parliament, was struck.
This has made it difficult for Icelands government to convince the parliament and Icelanders that an agreement on Icesave accounts with the UK and the Netherlands is un-avoidable. Parliament is looking into ways to attach conditions to the state guarantee to ensure the economic survival and sovereignty of Iceland. Here we need to stress the mutual interest of all three nations in Icelands capacity to fulfil its debt obligation.
...to convince"... Ef forsætisráðherrann lítur svo á að hlutverk ríkisstjórnarinnar sé að sannfæra þing og þjóð um þetta mál þá lýst mér mjög illa á. Það er bæði hlutverk þings og þjóðar að afla sér upplýsinga og þekkingar, vega hvoru tveggja og meta og mynda sér síðan sína eigin skoðun!
Engar þakkir kann ég forsætisráðherranum fyrir orðin: "its (Íslendinga) debt obligation.
Iceland will not be deterred from resolving issues that stand in the way of economic reconstruction at home and confidence-building abroad. It is to be hoped that the people of large countries such as the UK and the Netherlands are aware of the lasting impact their governments can have on small countries such as ours at a time of great distress.
Eftir lestur greinarinnar velti ég því fyrir mér hvers vegna hún var skrifuð? Er hún liður í ESB-áætlun Samfylkingarinnar? Er hún varnarræða forsætisráðherra sem að eigin sögn gengur illa að "sannfæra þing og þjóð" um að kokgleypa nauðungarsamningana?
Helga Garðarsdóttir
Flokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 07:50 | Facebook
Áhugaverðar innlendar vefsíður
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- "Glæsileg niðurstaða"!
- Heimssýn
- Hagsmunasamtök heimilanna
- Hvítbókin
- Icesave-reiknir - hver skuldbindingin?
- Samningurinn við Breta vegna Icesave
- Samningurinn við Hollendinga vegna Icesave
Áhugaverðar erlendar vefsíður
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- Do you know the truth about the EU?
- Folkebevægelsen mod EU, Danmörku
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- Nej til EU, Svíþjóð
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Greinar um Ísland og kreppuna í erlendum miðlum
- Walking up to reality in Iceland, by Jón Daníelsson
- Time to install Iceland 2.0, by Ben H Murray
- Bizarre battering of insurers, by Anthony Hilton
- European bank bail-out could push EU into crisis, by Bruno Waterfield
- In praise of Iceland, editorial
- Culpability debate at RBS intensifies, by Kate Burgess
- Iceland in turmoil as coalition collapses, by David Ibison
- Iceland Turns Hard Left
- Ireland? Iceland? Doubts on Doomsday Scenario in Eire, by Landon Thomas
- Crime Once Exposed Has no Refuge but in Audacity - Tacitus, by Íris Erlingsdóttir
- Iceland's Conservatives Try to Rewrite History, by Íris Erlingsdóttir
- Cracks in the crust
- Major-Washington Agency Runs Iceland Look-Alike Casting, by Edward Hugh
- Nobel prize winner blasts IMF over loans
- How Bad Could The Crisis Get? Lessons From Iceland, Jón Daníelsson
- Iceland: The country that became a hedge fund, by Peter Gumbel
- Ultra-Capitalism Killed Iceland
- Upheaval calls for Fleece Revolution in Iceland, by Lenka Vaiglova
- Who bombed Iceland? by Uwe Reinhardt
- World Agenda: is this the most hated man in Iceland? by Roger Boyes
- Britain and the Netherlands bully little Iceland, by Ársæll Valfells
- Iceland gets cold feet over paying back bailout
- Latvian debt crisis shakes Eastern Europe, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
- Iceland PM hits out at IMF rumors, by K. Már Hauksson
- Britain's 'gunboat' diplomacy still angers Iceland, by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
- A Debate Rages in Iceland: Independence vs. I.M.F. Cash, by Landon Thomas
- All Of Them Must GO, by Naomi Klein
- SFO to help Iceland as probe turns to Kaupthing's US links, by Rowena Mason
- Iceland hits impasse over lost savings, by Andrew Ward and Alex Barker
- Icelanders are angry but will make sacrifices, by Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir
- Iceland seeks UK fraud office help, by Andrew Ward
- For you, the war is over, by Andrew Hill
- Iceland poised for foreign payback pact, by Andrew Ward, Megan Murphy and Jim Pickard
- Icelands debt repayment limits will spread, by Michael Hudson
- Iceland: what ugly secrets are waiting to be exposed in the meltdown?, by Rowena Mason
- The ice storm, by Gauti Kristmannsson
- Brain drain hits cash-strapped Iceland, by Susanne Henn
- Islands nye krise, av Ola Storeng
- Iceland's bank crisis delivers baby boom, by Andrew Ward
- Is Iceland too small? By Þorvaldur Gylfason
- Iceland shows the dangers ahead for us all, by Robert Wade
- Islands Schulden sind zu teilen, Von Clemens Bomsdorf
- The IMF destroys Iceland and Latvia, by Nathan Lewis
- The Lehman Brothers collapse: the global fallout, by Richard Wachman
- Iceland urges media to lift nations gloom, by Andrew Jack
- Iceland after a year of financial crisis, by Robert Jackson
- Icelands PM: Icesave Will Decide the Coalitions Fate
- Icelands PM: We Cannot Wait for IMF Any Longer
- Iceland Reaches Agreement with IMF
- Iceland Minister Confident Icesave Bill Will Pass
- Iceland's president turns cold on Icesave deal, by Rowena Mason
Greinar um Ísland og kreppuna í innlendum miðlum
Álit erlendra sérfræðinga um orsakir efnahagshrunsins
- Undersized: Could Greenland be the new Iceland? Should it be?
- The Icelandic banking crisis and what to do about it: The lender of last resort theory of optimal currency areas
Greinar um hvers vegna Icesave eru ekki skuldir Íslendinga
Greinar um efnahagskreppuna í erlendum dagblöðum
- Support for Lisbon Treaty falls eight points to 46%, by Stephen Collins
- The European Union the New Soviet Union, by Vladimir Bukovsky
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Nei þú ert ekki ein um að standa ekki á sama um hvað þessi kona segir á opinberum vettvangi. Hún er farin að valda okkur íslendingum verulegum skaða.
assa (IP-tala skráð) 14.8.2009 kl. 08:44
Alger svik við þjóðina. Þarna er haldið fram, fyrir hönd þjóðarinnar, að við séum viljug að gera okkur að þrælum fyrir skuld þjófa. Þó eru um 70% þjóðarinnar á móti Icesave og hin 30% ekki öll með Icesave. Þarna talar Jóhanna Síg. (og væntanlega aðstoðarmaður hennar Hrannar) fyrir sig sjálfa, ekki þjóðina. Þarna lúffar Jóhanna (og Hrannar) alveg niður í svaðið fyrir EU-drottnurunum og gat ekki lagst lægra. Og þó EEA/EU lögin segi ekki að við séum ábyrg fyrir einum eyri.
ElleE (IP-tala skráð) 14.8.2009 kl. 13:51
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.