Survey on EU Integration and ESDP

 EU = European Union                    ESDP = European Security and Defence Policy

6. Preferences toward Europe's political future (ONE ANSWER ONLY)*

( ) Each country maintains its own sovereignty and takes care of its own affairs

( ) Each country cooperates with other countries under certain circumstances but does not limit its own sovereignty

( )The European countries cooperate regularly with respect to certain questions, transferring part of their sovereignty to European institutions

( )The European countries transfer their own sovereignty to one single European state

( ) I don’t know, no answer


7. Preferences toward European defence (ONE ANSWER ONLY)*

( ) Each country should organize its own defence

( ) Common defence

( ) Both things combined

( ) I don't know, no answer


8. Preferences toward the defence of your own country (ONE ANSWER ONLY)*

( ) Military alliance only with EU countries

( ) Military alliance only with US

( ) Military alliance like the current NATO

( ) Military alliance with all European countries, including Russia, plus USA

( ) Non-participation in any alliances and maintenance of neutrality

( ) I don’t know, no answer


9. In your opinion, should decisions concerning European defence policy be taken by national governments, by NATO or by the European Union? (ONE ANSWER ONLY) *

( ) National governments (go to question 11)

( ) NATO (go to question 11)

( ) The European Union (go to question 10)

( ) Other (go to question 10)

( ) Don't know (go to question 10)


10. How should these decisions be made within the European Union? (ONE ANSWER ONLY)

( ) By unanimous voting, that is all countries have to agree

( ) By majority voting, keeping the right for each member state not to send troops

( ) By majority voting, forcing each member state to send troops

( ) Don't know


11. In the context of a common European security and defence policy, who, do you think, should take decisions in case of military intervention: only the governments of the countries which are willing to send troops or all member countries of the European Union, including those who are not willing to send troops? (ONE ANSWER ONLY) *

( ) Only the governments of the countries which are willing to send troops

( ) All the member countries of the European Union, including those who are not willing to send troops

( ) Don't know


12. Do you think, single EU member states should be able to go to war and to have military missions alone – without consent in the European Union? *

( ) Yes

( ) No

( ) Don't know


13. The European Union has decided to put in place a common security and defence policy. Which roles do you think a European army should have? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE) *

( ) Defending the territory of the European Union, including MY COUNTRY

( ) Intervening in conflicts at the borders of the European Union

( ) Intervening in conflicts in other parts of the world

( ) Repatriating Europeans who are in areas where there is a conflict

( ) Intervening in case of natural, ecological or nuclear disaster in Europe

( ) Intervening in other parts of the world in case of natural, ecological, or nuclear disaster, or combating famine, or cleaning minefields

( ) Guaranteeing peace in the European Union

( ) Taking part in peace-keeping missions outside the European Union, decided by the United Nations (UN troops)

( ) Taking part in peace-keeping missions outside the European Union, without the United Nations' agreement

( ) Defending human rights

( ) Carrying out humanitarian missions

( ) Defending the economic interests of the European Union

( ) Symbolizing a European identity

( ) There shouldn't be a European army

( ) Don't know


14. Recently, the European Union has decided to set up a swift intervention force of 60.000 men. Personally, do you think it is … ? (ONE ANSWER ONLY)*

( ) A very good thing

( ) A fairly good thing

( ) A fairly bad thing

( ) A very bad thing

( ) Don't know


15. Which of these would you prefer in the context of a common European security and defence policy? (ONE ANSWER ONLY)*

( ) One single European army which would replace national armies

( ) A European swift intervention force, which would be permanent, in addition to national armies

( ) A European swift intervention force, which would be put together only when needed

( ) No European army, but only national armies

( ) Other

( ) Don't know

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